The whole family... Paps, Yaya, Makayla, Brittney, Christian, David, Hali, Bryar, Fisher, Truman and myself... went to Pack Farms in Farmington, Utah last weekend. The search for our pumpkins was on. We unfortunately missed out on the hayride, we got
there a little too early, but we had a blast anyway. Fisher and I ran crazy through the Kidz Hay Maze, then everybody took off through the Pumpkin Patch.

Fisher was so serious as he looked at every single pumpkin he came near, turned them over,
scrutinized every inch, and hefted as many as he could
lift. He found three that he approved of, but couldn't chose just one, so we went ahead and brought them all home.

He and Paps found a big green grasshopper, which may have been Fisher's favorite part of the day.
Paps caught it up and put it in Fisher's hand, where it stayed for quite a while. Fisher really like seeing it so closely and feeling it walk on and tickle his hand. When the little guy
finally jumped out of Fisher's hand, Paps gave a good and high pitched squeak! That may have been my favorite part of the day!