Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Remember Marcus from the tv show Last Comic Standing?
For my brother's 22nd birthday I went with him, his wife and our dad to watch Marcus perform at a comedy club in Ogden, Utah (2 days after Last Comic Standing season finale where Marcus took 2nd place).
About halfway into the show, in the momentarily quiet room just as Marcus was about to deliver a punchline, the beer I had been drinking surprised us all by showing itself so rudely in the form an extremely loud and throaty belch. I would have been proud of the thing under regular circumstances, and later was indeed quite proud of it, but at the moment as this terribly attractive now famous guy stared at me in open-mouthed shock along with a room of 100+ strangers, and dropped his microphone I was rather uncomfortable! Marcus mollified me a bit though, by reaching out to shake my hand, pulling me on stage and, after an artfully done pause for appreciation, put his arm on my shoulders and said "This made that sound!" Which was followed by welcome laughter, myself included, and I really felt quite good about the whole thing. During the remainder of the show he came to my seat (front row, center stage) and made a few more one-liner jokes about my needing to be taught manners, as well as a joke involving a little bug and my brother's shoe. It was really a wonderful night! Marcus ended the show by answering the audience's questions and then pulled me, along with a few other objects of his joking, onto stage while he sang a little song and bid us all goodnight! It really was the most fun I've had in a long long time!
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