Fisher & Truman were little turtles for Halloween this year. Fisher wore his costume every day for about a week before the big night, and wants to wear it to bed every night since! They were both awful cute in their matching suits!
The local mall hosted a trick-or-treat, for a few hours in the evening the children got to go store-front to store-front in the safe, warm indoors to start their holiday in comfort! I loaded the boys up in their wagon and off we went. Truman had his own little bag (for me) but Fisher had his hands in both bags!
As soon as a piece of candy hit his bag, Fisher was working to open it. I was scrambling to check everything before he got his little hands on it! Before he had anything half open though, he was given another piece, would then drop the first and begin work on the new arrival! Truman was content to watch. His little eyes were as busy as Fisher's little hands!
As soon as we got home from the mall Trick-or-treat, Fisher and I walked around the block together, just the two of us, while Truman took a little snooze with Yaya. Uncle David, Hali & Bryar came over later in the evening and the three of them and Christian tagged along with the boys and I in our wagon through the neighborhood on a real door to door Trick-or-Treat. We had so much fun!
Almost immediately after leaving the driveway, the wagon ride lolled Truman right to sleep. He missed most of the scenery, but he sure looked comfy! His little costume was very snug and warm and he really enjoyed the ride! David was dressed as Sweeney Todd, Bryar was a little pink daisy, Fisher and Truman were in their turtle costumes, I was G.I. Joe and Christian was a rock star. We made quite a group of characters.
Happy Halloween
What cute little turtles! I love it! It sounds like you guys had a very fun Halloween!
I am so with you on the 2 year old's munching on the candy! Xander ate so much that he was bouncing off the wall! But it's Halloween and that's what kids get to do! We had a BLAST!
We love you and hope that everything is great with you!
Love ya
P.S. When is that SALE at the Children's Place! I think I know what I want. I just need to know how much to send you and when it is so I can schedule Family pictures!
Thanks So Much!
Becca, your boys are SO cute! IT sounds like you had a fun halloween! I loved the picture of Fisher standing in the dark with his little shoulder-bag on! He's so cute! And Truman alseep in the wagon is PRICELESS!!! Adorable!
Love you!
ugh!!! i want a cool trittle costume! they make those in man size?
ask nanna what a little trittle is...
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